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Female white toothy smile

Crown & Bridge

Our crown and bridge department supports a large, experienced staff and is led by owner and RDT, Randy Kwon. We provide superior fit and aesthetics in porcelain, all-porcelain, implant, and gold restorations alike.

In this technologically booming industry, we understand that our clients want to know that their lab is at the forefront of these innovations. To that end, we scan and mill our zirconia crowns and many other C&B services in-house with our superiorly equipped CADCAM department.

At Progenic, we use only high quality, trusted materials and equipment to ensure the same qualities in our product. We work closely with all of our reps to ensure that we provide you with the variety and quality that you and your patient are looking for. Every case is thoroughly examined upon receipt and completion.

Please see our C&B service details below:

Dental Surgery


We specialize in implant restorations - from single units to full mouth restorations. We fabricate hundreds of implant crowns every year and work with all major systems. 

Supporting you from start to finish, we manage the ordering and shipping of all necessary parts and have insertion tools available for loan. But beyond that, our leading implant technicians are always available to you for consult and case planning. They have extensive knowledge in their field of work and are always striving to deliver the best results to you and your patient.

All implant restorative options are available please call for details


With all of the restorative options available, how do you choose the right one for your patient? 


Traditional and predictable in a good way! Dependably strong and offers the option to use precious alloy. Good to know: with fluctuating alloy costs and varying weights for every tooth, the total cost of each crown will also vary slightly. 


Superior, true-to-life aesthetics while still incredibly strong. Full contour zirconia crowns are affordable and layered porcelain zirconia crowns have an enhanced aesthetic. Most zirconia services are flat rate fees and allow for predictable billing.


Can be bonded rather than cemented. High aesthetic value.

Full metal 

A great option for ultimate strength where aesthetic is not the primary concern. Good to know: fluctuating alloy cost and weight can make the final cost unpredictable.

There are more options available including longspan bridges, maryland bridges, inlays/onlays, and much more!

Female white toothy smile
At the Dentist

Other services

Full contour wax up

Study models

Temporary crowns and bridges

Hanau mounting

Facebow mounting

Stratos mounting

Aesthetic try-ins

and much more!

Custom Services

Custom shade - confirmtion of initial shade and photos for production reference (approx. 15 mins)

Custom stain - final adjustment to match the patients' unique staining

(approx. 1 hr)


Other services

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